
Shear Wave Ultrasound Liver Assessment

The Value of Elastography

Philips shear wave elastography simplifies liver assessment, making obtaining liver stiffness measurements fast and easy. This non-invasive, reproducible and easily performed method of assessing liver tissue stiffness may help reduce, or even avoid, the need for conventional liver biopsies1. Research suggests that instead of a costly and painful biopsy procedure, an easy ultrasound exam could become routine for assessing liver disease status.

Elastography in liver assessment

ElastPQ (P-SWE) has proven valuable in staging liver disease, reducing the need for costly and potentially painful biopsies in some patients. ElastQ (2D-SWE) advances shear wave elastography, providing a technique that is not only non-invasive and easy to use, but also offers clinicians additional confidence in the reliability of measurements, even for the technically difficult patient (TDP), such as patient with a high BMI.



ElastQ imaging is a real-time, large Region of Interest (ROI), color-coded quantitative assessment of tissue stiffness. It is the only solution to offer both PureWave technology and high frame rate real-time shear wave imaging across abdominal applications. Clinicians can easily assess liver tissue stiffness using real-time feedback and make quantitative measurements with multiple sample points even retrospectively on DICOM stored images. Unique confidence map, used with the stiffness map, improve confidence of shear wave measurements. Both maps can be displayed side-by-side, which reduces workflow steps and allows for simultaneous map correlation during acquisition and measurement phases.



ElastPQ is an easy-to-use method of obtaining tissue stiffness values of the liver on a predefined ROI. Using real-time imaging as a guide, the ROI is placed over the area of interest and tissue stiffness data such as AVG, MEAN and IQR are obtained and displayed in second. Multiple samples can be recorded and liver tissue report generated from the result.

Click here to download the ElastPQ and ElastQ ultrasound shear wave elastography white paper.

Shear Wave Elastography is Supported on Epiq Elite & Affiniti 70 ultrasound system.

Click here  for additional product information about Affiniti 70.

Click here for additional product information about Philips Epiq 7.

Contact us now to arrange for a demo session, we would be happy to assist you!

Reference : 1 Ferraioli G, et al. Point shear wave elastography method for assessing liver stiffness. World J Gastroenterology. 2014 April 28;20(16):4787-4796.

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